Advice & support

If you are pregnant there is help and support available whether you are considering continuing with the pregnancy or considering abortion.

My pregnancy test is positive and I don't know what to do

If you are pregnant and you are unsure of what to do next, there is support available to help you weigh up your options. You may choose to talk to people close to you that you trust to help you make up your mind. It is very important to make sure that any advice you get is from accurate sources and unbiased services.

If your pregnancy test is positive you can:

  • Come and have a chat with a member of staff at Leeds Sexual health to discuss your options.
  • Book an appointment with a midwife via your GP.
  • If you are under 18 you can get in touch with the teenage pregnancy midwifery team on 07796614116.
  • Call the FPA helpline on 0845 122 8690. They can talk to you confidentially and free of charge about the pregnancy and your options.
  • If you are under 25 you can get advice and support from the Brook helpline on 0808 802 1234.
  • Visit or call them on +44 (0) 3330909266
    • Talkline open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
      7pm - 10pm (UK time)
I am pregnant and under the age of 18

If you are under the age of 19, support with pregnancy choices is available from the Pregnancy Choices Advocacy Service (Women's Health Matters) on 07516 524633 or the Teenage Pregnancy Midwife on 07796614116.

I want to continue with the pregnancy and become a parent

You may be able to get support with your pregnancy from:

  • Your family, friends and partner. These people might be able to help after the birth. It can be great to have help from people you trust so that you feel supported and can take some time for yourself.
  • Your health visitor or midwife. They can also put you in touch with local groups where you can get extra support and meet other new mums.
  • Social services at your local authority. They can recommend any extra support that you might need. For example, they might be able to get you a support worker who can carry out home visits or nursery or day care services.
  • Home-start. A volunteer may be able to visit your home and provide practical and emotional support for free. You can be referred by your midwife, GP, practise nurse, health visitor or social services. Alternatively, you can go directly to your local Home-start. You can give them a ring on 0800 068 63 68 or visit their website. The Leeds branch phone number is 0113 244 2419.

Remember to use the "Services Near You" section to find the closest and best service for you.

I want to continue with the pregnancy and register for adoption

If you are considering adoption, you can get more information from the following places:

  • The doctor or nurse at your nearest general practise.
  • The social worker attached to the maternity unit at your local hospital. You should contact your hospital to find out whether a provision for this has been made.
  • An adoption social worker from a local voluntary adoption agency or your local authority’s social services department. To find out more you can phone the British Association of Adoption and Fostering on 020 7421 2680 or visit their website.

You can access special adoption counselling to make sure that you have explored all of your options and that you know exactly what adoption involves. This is to ensure that you have made the decision that is right for you. You can contact the adoption agency or social worker that is supporting you and they will make arrangements for this.

I am considering having an abortion

More information on abortion and abortion services can be found here.

Planning to get pregnant?

If you are planning to get pregnant or currently trying to conceive, there are steps you can take to improve the health of your future pregnancy and child.

Use this tool to help: