Here's some information about PrEP:

PrEP is a pill that can protect you from HIV.

What is PrEP?

PrEP is a medication that can lower the chances of getting HIV when taken as prescribed.

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis:

Pre = Before

Exposure = Coming into contact with

Prophylaxis = Prevention

So PrEP is a medication that is taken before you come into contact with HIV to prevent getting HIV.

Learn more about PrEP on our information page.

Start PrEP at Leeds Sexual Health

If you want to start PrEP or if you take PrEP from another service and would like to transfer to Leeds Sexual Health, please call us on 0113 843 4495. You will be offered an appointment in clinic to discuss this.

PrEP Follow up at Leeds Sexual Health

If you already take PrEP from Leeds Sexual Health, we have now started e-consultations for you to get your PrEP. This means you fill in a questionnaire on your phone or computer and send it back to us. We will organise a time for you to have a check up and pick up PrEP. This is not appropriate for everyone and you may want to come in for a clinic appointment anyway.

If you would like to use our PrEP e-consultation please access our SystmConnect page.

If you would like to come to clinic for a PrEP follow up appointment, please ring us on 0113 843 4495.

Please use condoms if you run out of PrEP before your appointment.