Other ways to get in touch
Chat now
Chat now
Speak to our team using the live chat by clicking ‘Chat now’ in the bottom left of your screen.
We’re online Mon to Fri 13:30 to 16:00 However, we may show as offline if we are chatting with other patients, please bear with us.
Share feedback
Share feedback
If you would like to share feedback with us you can use our contact form below.
Please note we cannot book you an appointment via this form.
Make a complaint
Make a complaint
If you have a complaint please email lch.pet@nhs.net so we can investigate fully for you.
You can find out more about our complaints on the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Patient Experience and Engagement page.
Press or media enquiries
Press or media enquiries
Find information about how to contact the Communications Team here.
Feedback Form
Please fill out your contact information below.