Deep Implant Clinic Information
You have been referred to our deep implant clinic. Please read this information before your appointment.
Why have I been referred?
The clinician who referred you was unable to remove your implant as it is deeper than normal, or in a more difficult location to remove.
What will happen at my appointment?
The doctor will ask you some questions about your implant. They will examine your arm and then do an ultrasound scan of the arm. This is to check exactly where the implant is in the arm and whether is close to any blood vessels or nerves. This helps the doctor decide the safest way to remove the implant.
There are some risks associated with the procedure such as scarring, bleeding and infection but the doctor will discuss these with you in detail before the procedure. There is a very rare risk of nerve/artery damage.
If the doctor feels it is safe to remove the implant they will inject local anaesthetic into the skin over the implant. Once your skin is numb, they will make a small cut in the arm to remove the implant. It can take some time to remove deep implants. Rarely, the cut might need to be extended leaving a bigger scar than a standard removal. In this case we may need to insert 1-3 stitches which will dissolve in 7-10days
After-care advice
You will have a bandage over the site where the implant has been removed. Please keep this clean and dry and keep it in place for 72 hours. This will help prevent infection and minimise bruising and swelling. When you remove the bandage there will be small plaster strips (steristrips). Please leave these in place for 5-7 days. If you needed stitches these will dissolve by themselves. Bruising is common but if the arm is very red, swollen, itchy or painful please seek medical advice.
When will my fertility return after removal?
Fertility can return straight away after your implant has been removed. You will need to use alternative contraception straight away to avoid pregnancy. If you have not already been given new contraception we can usually provide this at this appointment, including fitting a new implant. The only method we can’t provide at this appointment is an IUD (coil) as this requires a longer appointment.
What if my implant can’t be removed in this clinic?
Very rarely we are unable to remove the implant at this service. If this happens and you still wish for it to be removed, we will refer you to your local hospital to have your implant removed by a surgeon. Some people choose to leave the implant in the arm instead if it is not causing any symptoms and you do not want to have it removed to try for pregnancy. The hormone will eventually run out and there is no evidence of long-term harm.