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Leeds Sexual Health launches new Digital Hub

October 31, 2024

Our new digital hub launched on 4 November 2024, replacing our existing website at

The web address is the same but the digital hub highlights an expanded range of digital services in addition to accurate and trusted information about sexual health and services available in Leeds, including:

Face to face appointments are still be available where this is preferred and the criteria to access new digital services can be found here.

We want to know what you think about our new digital hub, so if you have feedback for us or ideas on how we can continue to improve it please complete our feedback survey.

Leeds Sexual Health is commissioned by Leeds City Council and delivered by Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH), in partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT), Leeds GP Confederation (LGPC) and Volition - Forum Central (the collective voice for the health and care third sector in Leeds).

Contraception Choices

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