November 25, 2024
There is a new strain of Mpox.
Our Call Navigators will ask if you have symptoms or if you have recently (or been in contract with anyone who has recently) travelled to any of the countries listed below when you call.
If you have any symptoms and you, or someone you have been in contact with, have travelled to the countries below in the last 21 days, please do not walk in to our service. Please call our Care Navigators and let them know. They will pass you to a clinician for advice.
*Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, Gabon, Sudan, South Sudan. Consider neighbouring countries at risk (Angola, Tanzania, Zambia (subject to change).
For more information and a list of symptoms please check the NHS website.
There are many types of contraception available and none are perfect. The Contraception Choices website provides honest information to help weigh up the pros and cons.